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Competitive advantage
- Actively contributing to regulatory reform in financial services
- Executive and non-executive level experience in industry
- Important contributions made to professional bodies and policy reform initiatives
- Expertise in a range of academic disciplines
- Ability to provide an insider’s view on four decades of corporate culture and change in South Africa and Australia
- Convenor of the Actuaries Institute Retirement Incomes Working Group
- Academic and practical experience in product design and financial advice
- Helping the actuarial profession fulfil its social role by using product design, professional guidance and regulatory change to create financial security and reduce corporate greed.
Successful applications
- Work on greed and ethics is directly relevant to cultural and regulatory change subsequent to the Royal Commission
- Work on retirement incomes is directly relevant to Superannuation Funds’ development of their Retirement Income Covenants
Capabilities and resources
- Product development, where benefits (and underlying investments) match the needs of the bereaved, the disabled and the elderly
- Professional education and regulation to support the development of judgement and justice
- Contributions to government policy