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Competitive advantage
- More than 20 years’ experience in researching the evolution of welfare to work
- Expertise in digitising social services and the impacts on vulnerable communities
- Close connections with industry and a complex understanding of the system
- Experience in providing a Social Science lens on how government contracts to the private sector to deliver employment services and how it manages relationships with partners
- Expertise in governance, power relations, policy tools, policy implementation
- Research regularly referenced by government, providers and peak bodies for inclusion in welfare-to-work related submissions
- Regular presentations and consultations to relevant government departments
- Contributions and evidence to senate inquiries and reviews
- Recent industry reports, publications and media coverage on welfare to work and digitising social services
Successful applications
- Successful active funding for Australian Research Council Linkage projects on governance dynamics of welfare to work in Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom, and increasing innovation and flexibility in social service delivery
- Extensive longitudinal survey of frontli