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Competitive advantage
- Globally recognised expertise in supporting Indigenous peoples and governments in the Australasia-Asia-Pacific region with the protection and promotion of Indigenous knowledge
- Able to profile industry research through patent landscaping biological resources and associated Indigenous knowledge in Australia, New Zealand, and Pacific Island countries
- Experience in coordinating regional activities and training on the Nagoya Protocol and the Convention on Biological Diversity provisions on ‘access and benefit-sharing’ (ABS) with UN agencies, the ABS Initiative, and the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)
- The skills to conduct global case studies on the impact of ABS agreements in biotrade supply chains to support improved policy-making
- Supported Pacific countries with ratification and implementation of the Nagoya Protocol, including design and implementation of permit systems
- Informed discussions and submissions in the World Trade Organization and World Intellectual Property Organization
- Assisted with reviews and reforms of Australian governments biodiscovery and biological resources regulations
Successful applications
- Presented internationally at UN forums, and other global institutions
- Made public submissions to intellectual property bodies on the protection of Indigenous knowledge
- Challenged unfair patents
- Won awards for patent profiling
- Begun developing customary protocols with interested parties in the region
- Helped with biological resource agreement-making between stakeholders
Our partners
- Regional coordinators of the ABS Capacity Development Initiative
- United Nations Environment Programme and Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (UNEP-SPREP) Regional ABS Project
- Work with Fiji, Samoa, Papua New Guinea, Vanuatu, and Cook Islands