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Competitive advantage
- World-leading technologies on soft robotics, wearable devices, and flexible surgical systems with multifunctionalities that can be widely applied in various applications
- Expertise in mechanical design, electronics, system modelling, functional materials, and nonlinear control
- Experienced in international patent protections
- Strong collaboration networks in USA, Singapore and Australia
- Improved the human quality of life with cutting-edge technologies for haptics, entertainment, and healthcare
Successful applications
- World’s first flexible endoscopic robot for gastrointestinal cancer treatment
- Soft magnetic capsule robot for weight management
- World’s first multifunctional soft electromagnetic actuators, soft planar textile muscles, and microtubule sensors for haptics and robotic applications
Capabilities and facilities
- Full-scale experimental equipment for real-time control and characterisation of robotics and mechanical systems
Our partners
- Prince of Wales Hospital