Design and Reverse-Engineering of Soft Solids and Microstructured Fluids

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Expertise in design, manufacture, and testing of hierarchically structured complex fluids with targeted mechanical response, surface coating, and chemical delivery.

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Competitive advantage

  • Broad experience designing complex fluid microstructures, their large-scale manufacture, and their performance on biological and synthetic targets.
  • Versatile adaptation of existing technology and additives to create
  • new-to-the-world functions like:
    • Biomimetic particle shape-change and response in passive and
    • active modes
    • Delivery and adhesion to complex surfaces under extreme conditions
    • Rapid technology functional adaption from rare compounds to approved additives

Successful applications

  • First artificial vernix for prevention of premature infant skin infections
  • Responsive materials for biological tissue targeting in respiratory therapy and hair follicle fungus

Capabilities and facilities

  • Microrheological measures for tiny volumes, small samples, and miniscule mechanical properties
  • Microfluidic production of prototype materials and their performance testing
  • High speed studies of droplet impacts and flow