Creating Zero and Positive-Energy Communities

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Designing procedures and developing technologies to optimise energy conservation and renewable energies in communities across the world.

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Competitive advantage

  • World-leading expertise in the use of systems that deliver advanced community-based renewable energy, energy-conservation and innovative, integrated controls
  • Specialists in producing zero- or negative-energy requirements, minimising carbon emissions and optimising thermal and visual comfort
  • Proven ability to reduce total energy needs by up to 100 per cent


  • Zero-energy communities provide sustainable, healthy environments with a reduced need for capital investment and lower running costs.

Successful applications

  • The design and implementation of technologies for 4 zero-energy communities in Cyprus, Italy, France and the UK

Capabilities and facilities

  • A fully-equipped laboratory able to perform any kind of energy and environmental measurements for the development and testing of mitigation technologies
  • State-of-the-art mobile energy bus with thermal cameras, tracer gas equipment, IAQ sensors and analysers, light and daylight measuring equipment, and a drone to perform aerial measurements
  • All types of energy and environmental simulation tools for cities and building projects

Our partners

Several construction companies, and companies p