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Competitive advantage
- Working at the intersection of medicine and computing, bringing together doctors, pharmacists, mathematicians, software engineers and computer scientists
- State-of-the-art technologies and the use of large clinical practice datasets
- Fully validated solutions and technology that is cost-effective and safe
- Ability to understand clinical decision making and the challenges in translating machine learning techniques into clinical practice
- Reduction of unnecessary hospitalisations and ICU admissions through timely and accurate identification of patients at risk
- Personalised, safer and more effective healthcare delivery through identification of what works best, and for which patients
Successful outcomes
- A ‘watch list’ tool to automatically populate list of patients at high risk of deterioration to prevent unnecessary ICU admissions
- Tool to standardise the names of the structures delineated in radiotherapy plans to enable big data analyses in cancer care
- A suite of algorithms to estimate heterogeneity of treatment effects from large routinely collected datasets
Capabilities and facilities
- A secure, customisable cloud computing infrastructure certified in accordance with the Privacy Security Assurance Framework, which allows the use of high-computing resources on sensitive or confidential data
- Access to big medical data from Australia, UK and US
- Expertise on state-of-the-art computational statistics including deep learning, interpretable machine learning and causal inference algorithms
Our partners
- Prince of Wales Hospital, Sydney
- St Vincent’s Hospital, Sydney
- Northern Sydney Cancer Centre
- e-Health NSW
- Stanford University
- The University of Oxford